/* vim:set filetype=javascript:*/
/*global Class, Raphael */
@class A single piece description.
This includes: square size (assumes piece is 0,0,size,size)
and array of paths and attributes to draw the path
@author mark.veltzer@gmail.com (Mark Veltzer)
var SvgPiece = Class.create(/** @lends SvgPiece.prototype */{
creates a new instance
@this {SvgPiece}
@param {number} size of the square of the piece.
@return {SvgPiece} a new object of this type.
@author mark.veltzer@gmail.com (Mark Veltzer)
initialize: function(size) {
this.size = size;
this.paas = [];
Adds a new path section to a piece description
@this {SvgPiece}
@param {PathAndAttributes} paa object to be added.
@author mark.veltzer@gmail.com (Mark Veltzer)
add: function(paa) {
Create a Raphael.js set from this object
@this {SvgPiece}
@param {paper} paper Raphael.js paper to work on.
@param {transform} transform Raphael.js transformating for this object.
@return {set} the set after the transformation.
@author mark.veltzer@gmail.com (Mark Veltzer)
toSet: function(paper, transform) {
var set = paper.set();
this.paas.forEach(function(paa) {
var orig_path = paa.path;
var new_path = Raphael.transformPath(orig_path, transform);
var el = paper.path(new_path);
return set;