Moving pieces

In order to move pieces first create a board (see other guides). Then, once you have a board call:

	new PiecePosition(fromX,fromY),
	new PiecePosition(toX,toY)

When you build the PiecePosition objects above you must make sure that the fromX, fromY, toX, toY values passed to the method are valid numbers in the [0..8) range. You must also make sure that a piece is in the from position and that the two position does not have a piece. If you fail to do that then the method may fail with an exception or some worse way. Using this method the board will do no verification that the move is a valid chess move in any way. You must make sure of that (parse a correct PGN file, do it yourself etc.). Currently the board does not support verficiation of moves, although that is in the TODO list.

fromX: fromY: toX: toY:


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